


例会では、AACEI 日本支部情報紹介、会員より提供された話題を中心とした討議、等を行っています。





Kansai Group - Meeting and Bulletin (Kosuto- no-mado)

As a general rule, the Kansai Group's regular meetings are held in Kobe on the 4th Saturday (afternoon) of every month. In addition, in August, a summer party is held, and in December, a year-end party is held after the meeting.


At regular meetings, information on the AACE Japan Section is introduced, and discussions centered on cost and economy related topics provided by members are held in regular meeting.


Each member sets their own research theme and provides topics as appropriate, and publishes a bulletin summarizing research results, Costar Kansai Minicomic Magazine "Kosuto-no-mado" ( meaning of this Japanese title is "To open window of cost"), twice a year.