AACEI Publications


AACEI の機関誌や出版物は多数あります。一部を紹介していますが、詳細はAACEI ホームページからご確認下さい。


There are many AACEI journals and publications. Some are introduced, but please check the AACEI homepage for details.

Source Magazine

©AACE International

Source Magazineは、AACEのメンバーでなくても、最新のAACEニュースを提供する、無料のジャーナルサイトです。


Source Magazine is a free journal site that provides the latest AACE news, even if you are not a member of AACE.

The Cost Engineering Journal

©AACE International

Cost Engineering Journalは、隔月で発行されるAACEの公式出版物です。



The Cost Engineering journal is a bimonthly journal, the official technical publication of AACE. 

Cost Engineering journal is included as a member-only benefit. 


Total Cost Management (TCM) Framework

©AACE International

Total Cost Management(TCM)は、企業、プログラム、施設、プロジェクト、プロダクト、またはサービスのライフサイクル全体を俯瞰して、専門分野のマネジメントプロセスを活用する統合マネジメントアプローチである。1994年にハイレベルのTCMプロセスがCost Engineering Journalに掲載され、2006年にTCM Framework 1st edが発行された。2nd editionは2015年に発行されている。


Total Cost Management (TCM) is an integrated management approach that leverages specialized management processes over the entire life cycle of a company, program, facility, project, product, or service. The high-level TCM process was published in the Cost Engineering Journal in 1994, and the TCM Framework 1st ed was published in 2006. The 2nd edition was published in 2015.

Recommended Practices

©AACE International

AACE International Recommendation Practices(RP)は、Total Cost Management Frameworkと連携して、特定のマネジメント専門領域に関する技術情報を網羅している。2021年に、100著のRP出版を達成した。なお、AACEIでは、RP No. 10S-90: Cost Engineering Terminologyを、無償で万人に提供している。


AACE International Recommendation Practices (RP) works with the Total Cost Management Framework to cover technical information on specific areas of management expertise. In 2021, it achieved 100 RP publications. AACEI provides RP No. 10S-90: Cost Engineering Terminology to everyone free of charge.

Skills & Knowledge of Cost Engineering, 6th Edition

©AACE International



S & K framework was first published as an RP in 1985. Since then, it has been revised many times, covering a wide range of cost engineering techniques and knowledge, and explaining it in an easy-to-understand manner. It has earned a great deal of trust in its historic basic books. It covers the scope of the CCE certification exam.

Certification Study Guides

©AACE International

各AACE認定の学習資料で、資格試験受験には必須。 各学習ガイドは、AACEの各資格試験の例題と解説を掲載している。


It is a learning material certified by each AACE and is essential for taking the qualification test. Each study guide contains examples and explanations for each AACE qualification exam.

Publications - Other

その他にも数多くの出版物、Technical Resourceがありますので、AACE Internationalのホームページで詳細をご確認下さい。


There are many other publications and technical resources, so please check the AACE International homepage for details.