
AACE Upcoming Events (Information on September 23, 2022)

DATE: 2022. 

* AACE Event


AACE International の9月23日付のイベント更新情報です。業界での学習機会、ウェビナーやイベントの情報をはじめ、多くの情報が更新されました。 ご興味をお持ちの方は、奮ってご参加ください。


Welcome to the September Edition of AACE International's monthly events update, which will provide you with educational industry-related opportunities, webinar and event updates, and much more. We welcome your thoughts and feedback!







Developing the Project Controls Plan - Free Webinar


September 28. This AACE recommended practice (RP) defines the overall development, implementation, and management of a project controls plan. The presenter is H. Lance Stephenson, CCP FAACE with host Eric Constantino.


Registration is free, but required.








Dispute Resolution: The Consultant's Role - Free Webinar


October 5. Join AACE's Claims & Dispute Resolution Technical Subcommittee and Rising Professionals Committee with co-presenters Roger Nelson, PE PSP and Natasha Sleigh, CCP PSP.


Registration is free, but required.








Planning & Scheduling Professional (PSP) Exam Review


This seminar provides a good review of planning and scheduling principles/techniques, and is intended as a refresher for individuals preparing to sit for the PSP certification exam (the PSP Study Guide is included in the fee).







Project Controls from the Owner's Perspective


This seminar will cover Project Controls Industry “Best Practices” (approaches, methods, techniques and tools) suitable to an owner organization’s project portfolio and specific projects. A combination of material presentation in lecture format, examples & interactive sessions will be utilized by the instructor to provide attendees with an opportunity to engage and participate in an effective learning experience.







Advanced Project Controls from the Owner's Perspective


Advanced Project Control issues will be addressed including Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis, Engineering & Construction Productivity Evaluation and Influences, Schedule Analysis & recover options, Reporting & Contractor Oversight. Discussion will be conducted on project control requirements and language required in owner contract documents.







CCP Review Course


Available on demand, this innovative self-paced course uses AACE’s trusted body of knowledge as its primary source material.


This course is based on CCP exam competencies as outlined in Recommended Practice 11R-88: Skills and Knowledge of Cost Engineering.















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